Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thing 5

began life as a right-brainer, but along the way, I moved more and more toward left-brain dominant. I was rewarded for the logical, linear thinking that goes along with that, while the creative, dreamer-type was not. However, as the book points out, that type of thinking can no longer be sustained if we as a nation are to keep moving forward. I loved the fact that MFA's are now very sought after while MBA's are finding it difficult to enter the job market. As I age, I am looking more to the aesthetics of life and not so much to the quantity of what I can buy.

1 comment:

  1. I find this growth in MFA's very intriguing. I've read several articles about how the culture of business is changing--how the 20-something people entering the workforce expect a very different work environment--less structured, more coffee-shop type settings to brainstorm, collaborate, connect and less formal board rooms. Several articles point to older management having trouble "dealing" with this new generation and how many companies are having to train managers in strategies for working with this younger generation. I say--welcome to our world!
