Wednesday, July 28, 2010


After viewing various interpretations of our groups' sharing of information, I am blown away by the creativity that was shown. The chapter's main points were made in ways that were funny, insightful, and memorable. I will associate Pink's ideas with these presentations from now on, and have a deeper understanding of his meaning. Students can be given opportunities to share their knowledge using creative ways such as these, and more that I am not capable of at this time. We truly are not bound by walls with this new technology, and the freedom it allows is mind-bogling. Our students can be engaged in conversations world-wide and with people who have different view points, with the result that they become global citizens.


  1. We do have extremely creative teachers in this district. I'm amazed by their presentations as well.

  2. I think students would also be able to become inspired by the various kinds of presentations. Maybe they didn't consider doing a skit for that assignment, but they could take that idea and use it in a different class or at a different time.

  3. Weren't the presentations great! I agree with you that our students are no longer bound by walls and are becoming global citizens.
